Harriet Barnes & Elizabeth Chipperfield
Heads of Primary Education
Harriet Barnes:
Harriet has always been a highly driven and passionate scientist. Following completion of her A-levels, she was accepted into the Royal Veterinary School in London, where she studied Veterinary Science for 1 year before transferring to the University of Kent to complete her Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry.
In 2014, Harriet was awarded Qualified Teacher Status upon the successful completion of her employment based initial teacher training program (Schools Direct), and began her role of science co-ordinator.
Since commencing her role as Science Subject Leader, she has been invited to deliver workshops, speak at national conferences and lead CPD sessions for other teachers focused on improving science teaching in primary schools. She has been nominated for Science Teacher of the Year, and has been instrumental in transforming science teaching in a variety of educational settings.
Harriet has worked closely with a wide range of organizations offering initiatives and driving research into improving teaching and learning in science.
Harriet teaches with inspiring zeal and enthusiasm for her subject, and truly ignites a genuine enjoyment and passion within her pupils.
Harriet is currently studying for a Master’s degree in outdoor education to complement her recent qualification as a level three Forest school leader.
Elizabeth Chipperfield
Following the completion of her Bachelor of Science Honors degree in Forensic Chemistry, Elizabeth worked for a short while as a manager in industry before electing to pursue her passion for teaching, gaining Qualified Teacher Status through the Graduate Teaching Program. She was the first candidate in history to be simultaneously accepted onto the GTP and MaST (Mathematics Advanced Skills Teacher) post graduate courses. This was an unprecedented achievement, since a prerequisite for acceptance onto the MaST course was to hold QTS. She qualified as a teacher within the year, having been awarded “outstanding” grades, and subsequently completed her postgraduate MaST qualification in 2015.
She then continued her academic studies, successfully completing her Masters degree in Mathematics Education in 2018. Elizabeth was also awarded a Fellowship of the Teaching and Learning Academy (FTLA), for ‘outstanding contribution to their research’, an honour bestowed following recognition by the Academy of the wider impact of her research project on the effect of the Mastery Curriculum.
Elizabeth has written articles for academic journals, lead workshops for various stakeholders and been invited to speak at the Annual Mathematics Conference.
Elizabeth has a genuine passion for mathematics and science, and endeavors to inspire this same passion within her pupils, their parents/carers and other members of staff.
Elizabeth is currently studying for a PhD in Physics with a research focus on using quantum computers to study molecular magnets.